Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SFFWRTCHT for May 25, 2011 with Chris Fletcher of MBraneSF

sffwrtcht: You can review our old interviews via Just search for #sffwrtcht Intvs already posted with past guests! (Thu May 26 00:58:00 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Also, please don't forget to 'Like' the #SFFWRTCHT group on Facebook where I will soon be posting contests, extra intvs and other extras! (Thu May 26 00:58:49 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @BryanThomasS can we have link to the FB page? #SFFWRTCHT (Thu May 26 00:59:18 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Welcome to Science Fiction Fantasy Writer’s Chat. #sffwrtcht Since we all know the drill, I'll keep the intros short & get to our guest. (Thu May 26 00:59:27 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Please wait until your question gets answered to ask another & use the hashtag #sffwrtcht for all questions and comments. (Thu May 26 00:59:53 +0000 2011)
shadowflame1974: @kaolinfire lol I know! #Sffwrtcht #zinechat (Thu May 26 01:00:07 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Upcoming guests are: 6/01 @AndrewMayer 6/8 @catvalente 6/15 @PortIris zine 6/22 @jenniferbrozek and 6/29 @peterorullion #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:00:10 +0000 2011)

No politics, no pitching, just questions about craft, writing, etc. #sffwrtcht
Tonight’s guest is the founder/editor of MBrane SF magazine. He also edited an anthology of queer SFF “Things We Are Not” Chris Fletcher is a professional chef for his dayjob and edits/writes at night. Welcome to #sffwrtcht @MBraneSF!

Hi there #sffwrtcht

RT @pattyjansen: @BryanThomasS can we have link to the FB page? #SFFWRTCHT

First things first, is St. louis still alive and kicking? #sffwrtcht

We are doing OK. Had a lot of hail and storminess a couple hours ago, but not too much trouble where I am #sffwrtcht

Let’s start with the basics: where did your interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy come from? #sffwrtcht

As long as I can remember reading (which is my whole life) I was drawn to the speculative and weird. First book I could read by myself when I was like 4 was Seuss's "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now." Later I got into classic stuff like wells and Verne by way of those kid versions. And the it went from there into a whole range of writers as I got older. #sffwrtcht
Who were some of the authors whose work most thrilled and inspired you? #sffwrtcht

When I was in high school I discovered Ellison and other New Wave writers and they are huge influence. Ted Sturgeon, Delany, James Tiptree, many others. Also read tons of Asimov, Heinlein. Then I had spell of loving cyber for while, especially Sterling. #sffwrtcht

@mbranesf Last year saw a great story in Crossed Genres, the debut of Aether Age, the first issue of Fantastique Unfettered..HOW? #sffwrtcht

mbranesf: @montsamu I don't even know! Lots and lots of crazy work! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:08:07 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Both Aether Age and Fantastique Unfettered are things I am really proud of. Not easy, but way worth it #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:09:21 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf For those of us who missed them, are they things you've written? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:09:41 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Aether Age is a shared world anthology that I co-edited, an alternate-historical concept ....#sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:10:26 +0000 2011)
montsamu: @mbranesf not to mention more mbranes, while hatching the Doubles... You're making the rest of us look like slackers, dude. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:10:46 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Oh awesome. I've always been fascinated by shared worlds #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:10:50 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: ....and Fantastique Unfettered is a new magazine edited by @nithska, which my press publishes #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:10:58 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @montsamu Thanks for joining us! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:11:00 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Oh, so you publish more than one. That's really awesome. And a lot of work, I imagine. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:11:20 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Aether Age is based on the idea that ancient civs gained the printing press way back then #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:11:36 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Yeah, FU is a the new one, two issues out so far. It is a GORGEOUS print periodical #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:12:20 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf LOL Great initials, too FU #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:12:36 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Congratulations on that as well! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:12:49 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: If anyone is interested in FU #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:13:02 +0000 2011)
montsamu: @mbranesf on favorites, I've been curious: favorite ACE double, and do you remember which was your first and where you bought it, #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:13:04 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: What made you decide to take the leap of becoming an editor and founding a zine? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:13:14 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @montsamu A fave double is the one with Delany's Captives of the Flame, because it was the first one I had #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:14:15 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @montsamu I got it a used bookstore when I was really youn #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:14:30 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht I edited a Trek zine when I was a kid and alwasys loved that kind of thing. Decided I needed to do it again.... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:07 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: ...I had the plan for M-BRANE in the works for years, but finally time and technology was right for it #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:32 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: @mbranesf Ah, kid fanzine editor. LOL Awesome! Wish I'd had such ambition! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:36 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: When did the zine debut, how many issues have you had and how often? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:46 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @mbranesf wow, that is a lot on your plate. How do you do it all? Replicants? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:50 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht I did 22 monthly issues when I was 14 to 16 years old #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:15:56 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @eruditeogre I WISH i had replicants LOL #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:16:13 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: @mbranesf Good God. You were quite the young entrepreneur! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:16:29 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @sffwrtcht do you see yourself primarily as writer or editor? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:16:48 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht I debuted M-BRANE SF in Feb 2009, and am about to do the 28th issue #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:16:52 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Awesome. That's great. So it's monthly. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:17:17 +0000 2011)
montsamu: @BryanThomasS "I Will Come Home" was @mbranesf's CG #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:17:35 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: What type of story defines the core story for MBrane SF? i.e. what are you looking for? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:17:45 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf Has it been that long already? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:17:54 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @pattyjansen It's hard to say. I am at heart more of writer, but I am for some reason drawn to editor role a lot #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:18:04 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @RickNovy @pattyjansen Thanks for joining us! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:18:18 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @RickNovy I know right? It doesn't seem that long (Rick, by the way, was in my debut issue) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:18:30 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf In the running for most appearances I'd guess. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:19:02 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Awesome, Rick, and I know one of our regulars @pattyjansen’s appeared in the zine. Who are some other authors you’ve published? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:19:08 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS The "core" story type is hard to identify. It's science fiction, but I like weirdness and strong characters a lot #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:20:25 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Weirdness and strong characters.Ok. Anything you haven't seen a lot of but would like to? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:20:58 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS I don't see as much interesting far-future stuff, stories by/about women, or realistic gay material as I'd like #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:22:03 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Do you have any favorite stories so far? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:22:03 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Particularly stories by women have been sparse in the in-box lately #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:22:34 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Ok ladies, there you have it. @mbranesf is calling you! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:22:35 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: This is a recurring problem. I know there are more women with stories that I want than what I am seeing #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:23:18 +0000 2011)
shadowflame1974: RT @mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Particularly stories by women have been sparse in the in-box lately #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:23:30 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @sffwrtcht *rummages in story cupboard...* #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:23:33 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Do you have any special training or qualifications as far as editing goes? Or just a love of the genre & great stories? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:23:38 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @pattyjansen And well you should! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:23:50 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @mbranesf how do you know that. At any one time, the ASIM slush pool is 60-75% male... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:24:09 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht What has the male-female author ration in FU been? (Thu May 26 01:24:09 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht I was a high school journalism kid and did writing and production, which kind of hooked me into it #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:24:18 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf I loved your editorial on manuscript formatting. Really great entry into that whole 'controversy' #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:24:50 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @RickNovy It's interesting that the male/female ratio for FU has been about 50/50, maybe a but more female #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:24:57 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: What are your goals for the future with the zine? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:25:14 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Thanks. It seems like people get too stuck on stuff that's probably out of date now #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:25:22 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @pattyjansen Mine seems to trend about 80 percent male lately #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:25:49 +0000 2011)
jolantru: RT @sffwrtcht: Ok ladies, there you have it. @mbranesf is calling you! #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 01:26:08 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf And in the end, with publishing software, is not all that important. Drives me nuts! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:26:15 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @mbranesf I'd say that's pretty much typical for SF #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:26:32 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Does that really ruin the reading experience for the editor? If that's what their worried about, wrong business! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:26:41 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS I actually have the slackest guidelines as far as that kind of thing of anyone I think #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:27:22 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Also, I take simultaneous and multiple subs, which most don't. I don;t care. It's all the same to me #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:27:55 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf I think bare minimums are essential but nitpicking underline v. italics and such gets silly #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:27:58 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @BryanThomasS I think it's a way of showing that you've READ the guidelines #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:28:27 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Thanks, Sam :) RT @montsamu: @BryanThomasS "I Will Come Home" was @mbranesf's CG #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:28:31 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Good to know. I have a story I've been meaning to send to you. It's been compared to old school Heinlein, etc. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:28:33 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @pattyjansen Yes but ultimately the story is what matters #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:29:03 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: What do subscriptions cost and where can we find the zine? #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 01:29:32 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @pattyjansen @BryanThomasS Indeed. Tho mine are bascially "send stories, wait for reply." #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:29:51 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @BryanThomasS sh*t formatting and 'trivial' stuff can def derail a busy editor in first few paras #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:29:58 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @pattyjansen #sffwrtcht But there have been zines I have refused to submit to because guidelines were too much work. buy it and I reformat. (Thu May 26 01:30:07 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @pattyjansen I know but sometimes the trivial stuff as I mentioned gets silly if that's their only reason #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:30:22 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @RickNovy Exactly my point. I've done the same! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:30:45 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @RickNovy totally, but that's the mag's problem ;-) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:30:54 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @RickNovy @pattyjansen ANd I have occasionally asked for a reformat upon sale if the original was too messed up #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:31:00 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Ok. enough on formatting. LOL Are you open for subs now and What’s the typical turn around time on submissions? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:31:12 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: What do subscriptions cost and where can we find the zine? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:31:39 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS We are always open for submissions. RT is seldom more than about 3 weeks (I clear the stack every month) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:32:05 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Besides @RickNovy and @pattyjansen who are some other writers who've appeared in the zine? Any favorite stories? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:32:32 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht Info is at my site (kind of trying to draw you to news about the Double): #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:33:34 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht Which after I edited 12 I totally get (poor formatting).(Thu May 26 01:33:52 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Subscrip info and a free issue is at the other site: #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:34:15 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Yes, tell us more about the Double #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:34:30 +0000 2011)
montsamu: @mbranesf actually on the Double - Not for me but there are some good novellas out there that need a good home. :) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:34:55 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS The Double is a duo of short novels by Brandon Bell and Alex Jeffers, presented in the old Ace style... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:35:20 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: ...and it (the Double) is due out in just a few days #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:35:49 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: It's a really great idea and great opportunity for writers! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:35:55 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf I love the cover art on The Double! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:36:11 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: What are your goals for the future with the zine? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:36:27 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @montsamu For sure! Novella is a great length for spec fic #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:36:29 +0000 2011)
jolantru: RT @mbranesf: Subscrip info and a free issue is at the other site: (Thu May 26 01:36:47 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Future goals right now are to continue M-BRANE and FU and do a few more one-off book projects #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:37:17 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Sounds really great! Best of luck! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:37:38 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: You also edited an anthology of queer specific titled “Things We Are Not.” Tell us about that please. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:37:40 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: @mbranesf have you ever read a submission that you absolutely loved but couldn't publish? if so, what was the deal? :) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:38:10 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @kaolinfire Great question! Thanks! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:38:24 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Hope you don't mind if I plug Things We Are Not with the Amazon link #sffwrtcht ... (Thu May 26 01:38:32 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: In case anyone doesn't know, the zine can be found at (Thu May 26 01:39:09 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS TWAN came about because I wanted more LGBT content in M-Brane and wasn't getting it #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:39:23 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf No, glad you did. I would have if you hadn't! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:39:41 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf So those were extra stories, not ones pulled from your submissions for the zine? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:39:59 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @kaolinfire I don't think I have quite that situation, but recently I had qualms about an item that I went ahead with anyway #sffwrtcht ... (Thu May 26 01:40:23 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @kaolinfire ...I loved the story, and it's writing but it so dark that I wasn't sure if I could be happy with it #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:40:57 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht You published Cex in the Sity. That was pretty close to the line if I recall. (Thu May 26 01:41:19 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Yes, I did it as entirely separate project #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:41:25 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: You’ve told me you’re not an expert but what are your thoughts on the state of gay speculative fiction these days? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:42:00 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @RickNovy Indeed, and if that one had not been funny also, it might not have made it. Imagine it as dark. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:42:05 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: @mbranesf How would you say publishing/editing have effected your own writing? #sffwrtcht // yeah, remember you wrangling with the darkness (Thu May 26 01:42:14 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: RT @RickNovy: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht You published Cex in the Sity. That was pretty close to the line if I recall. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:42:27 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht I doubt I could write that one dark. (Thu May 26 01:42:33 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: LOL Tough question for 140 characters no doubt #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:43:04 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @kaolinfire Publishing has made me more thoughtful but also a bit more daring with my own material I think #sffwrtcht .... (Thu May 26 01:43:32 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @kaolinfire I am actually pretty shy, and it has made more willing to "show off" #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:44:00 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Who are some of your favorite writers of LGBT spec fic working today? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:44:07 +0000 2011)
montsamu: @mbranesf I ordered, and if you wanted to stick an extra FU #1 with @NataniaBarron's story in the mailing, too... :) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:44:15 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @mbranesf agree w 'more daring'. You have to write something special to stand out #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:44:42 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS As to gay spec fic, this is a great time. There's a lot of great work being done #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:44:44 +0000 2011)
jolantru: #sffwrtcht Lurking and marking scripts. I am reading the awesome tweets. (Thu May 26 01:44:45 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Do you think Science Fiction and Fantasy have a responsibility to turn a lens on the issues of today and reflect on them? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:46:00 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht My fave historically is Samuel Delany, but there are sooo many new and lesser known ones... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:46:33 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @sffwrtcht Let me do another plug, for Outer Alliance ( need to pull up link...) .... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:47:06 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Do you think Science Fiction and Fantasy have a responsibility to turn a lens on the issues of today and reflect on them? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:48:20 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Outer Alliance is an association that includes a huge number of currently-writing LGBT writers. pubs: #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:48:28 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Awesome. Thanks for finding that link! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:48:41 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Are you working on any anthology projects now or have any planned for the future? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:49:32 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: (sorry, tag) #sffwrtcht @BryanThomasS I don't know if it's a "responsibility," but I think it is inherent in the form. (Thu May 26 01:49:50 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf I agree and it provides a lens which is really good at making people see things from new perspectives too #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:50:00 +0000 2011)
RickNovy: Sigh. How did we get #sffwrtcht and #zinechat scheduled at the same time?(Thu May 26 01:50:21 +0000 2011)
jolantru: RT @mbranesf: Outer Alliance is an association that includes a huge number of currently-writing LGBT writers. pubs: ... (Thu May 26 01:50:27 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Get your final questions in for Chris @mbranesf 1o min to go in #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 01:50:31 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS In the earlier decades of the genre, these things were always very allegorical and cloaked, but there anyway #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:50:37 +0000 2011)
cericn: RT @mbranesf: Outer Alliance is an association that includes a huge number of currently-writing LGBT writers. pubs: ... (Thu May 26 01:50:48 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Well, they tend to be even now all too often cloaked, don't they? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:51:09 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Very true #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:51:39 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf So what do you have upcoming besides The Doubles for us to look forward to? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:52:19 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: Submissions out to @mbranesf and @nithska while I'm thinking about it :) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:52:22 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @kaolinfire Speaking of which... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:52:53 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Oh, I need to squeeze in one more book plug, @ricknovy's 2020 VISIONS, available in Nook as well as print #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:53:10 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Is there any difference in the types of stories MBrane and FU are looking for OR what's the difference? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:53:14 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Awesome! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:53:34 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: RT @RickNovy: @mbranesf And Kindle. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:53:46 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS FU is more of a contemp fantasy/magical realist concept than M-Brane, but there is some overlap... #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:54:00 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: @mbranesf @BryanThomasS Also FU now takes non-fic and poetry =) #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 01:54:29 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @mbranesf I do run stuff in M-Brane that could probably fit into FU as well, but M-Brane is more sf-nal #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:54:36 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Tomorrow at, revisit our chat with @ResnickMike ! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:55:05 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Upcoming guests are: 6/01 @AndrewMayer 6/8 @catvalente 6/15 @PortIris zine 6/22 @jenniferbrozek and 6/29 @peterorullion #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:55:19 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: Also FU has an almost unique Creative Commons concept #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:55:38 +0000 2011)
caseysays: Having #sffwrtcht & #zinechat on the same night couldn't have been at a worse time for me. Good stuff at both. (Thu May 26 01:55:39 +0000 2011)
jolantru: RT @mbranesf: Oh, I need to squeeze in one more book plug, @ricknovy's 2020 VISIONS, available in Nook as well as print ... (Thu May 26 01:55:39 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Interesting (creative commons) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:56:33 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf So real quick, what other projects are you working on which we can look forward to? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:56:52 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS AFter the Double, I have a couple "secret" projects, a couple single-author collections, maybe a 2nd AETHER AGE #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:57:49 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Also possibly of follow-up to THINGS WE ARE NOT #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 01:58:16 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf And of course more great @mbranesf issues which he would love to fill with stories by female writers #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:58:19 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Indeed! Every month! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:58:36 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Things We Are Also Not, awesome LOL#sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:58:45 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS LOL #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:58:54 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Things We Are Also Not, awesome LOL #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:58:57 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Chris, thanks for being here tonight. It's really been great and informative! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:59:32 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Thanks for having me! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:59:47 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Everyone, be sure and check out @mbranesf and Fantastique and more! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 01:59:58 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf You're welcome back any time! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:00:13 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: All, thanks for joining us tonight! The transcript will be posted later tonight or tomorrow on the blog and I'll put out a link. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:00:40 +0000 2011)
pattyjansen: @mbranesf thanks (and has your page open in other widow ;-) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:00:50 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: I'll probably be around on Twitter for a little while if anyway has anything else to talk about, and if not,thanks and 'night! :) #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:01:26 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Next week, @AndrewMayer discusses "The Falling Machine," his steampunk novel debut which came out yesterday and is great reading! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:01:29 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Next week, @AndrewMayer discusses "The Falling Machine," his steampunk novel debut which came out yesterday and is great reading! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:01:30 +0000 2011)
BiscuitCIB: Great #sffwrtcht with @mbranesf . Thank you, interesting chat. (Thu May 26 02:01:31 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf LOL Good I can ask my culinary questions. #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:01:46 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Quickly about your dayjob, what kind of restaurant do you work for? Do you own it? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:01:52 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf My brother's a professional chef also #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:02:03 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @BiscuitCIB Thanks for joining us! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:02:15 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf And my other is where did you get culinary training? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:03:31 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS I learned to cook the job, and advanced that way. Started when I was in grad school #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:04:10 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS On the job I mean #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:04:26 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf #sffwrtcht LOL I got that. (Thu May 26 02:04:41 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS Currently I work for a catering company that also manages restuarants #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:05:22 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @mbranesf Ah very cool. And you live in a really fun city! #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:06:12 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @BryanThomasS And I also used to own a restaurant here for a while #sffwrtcht(Thu May 26 02:06:25 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: @mbranesf @BryanThomasS what are some of your favorite magazines to read? #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:10:01 +0000 2011)
mbranesf: @kaolinfire Lots I like, some web-based ones I look at every time are Clarkesworld, Brain Harvest and Crossed Genres #sffwrtcht (Thu May 26 02:13:38 +0000 2011)

