sffwrtcht: Our goal is to talk w/ writers, editors, & others abt the craft of writing, specifically related to writing speculative fiction. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 00:59:34 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Our format is round table discussion. Please restrict ?s to writing craft, business of writing & the specific works of the guest. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 00:59:45 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Please wait until your question gets answered to ask another & use the hashtag #sffwrtcht for all questions and comments. (Thu Apr 28 01:00:02 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: On 5/11 we talk with @SFSignal and on 5/18 author @nnedi talks about Africa, fantasy from the other pov, and more. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:00:36 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: A mild-mannered corporate lawyer by day, he goes out at night fighting for justice and the American way #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:01:09 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: He’s the author of three Star Wars tie-in books from @DelReySpectra and twice that many Forgotten Realms books. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:01:18 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS WotC had an open sub policy around 2000. I subbed via that and they've never forgiven me. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:04:55 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS A chapter from an original fantasy novel. A later chapter. Early ones were...uh..not good. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:06:09 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht I was a big DnD/FR player. Still am, actually. Same bunch of guys. We're old and sad now, but still roll a mean d20. #sfwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:07:28 +0000 2011)
renesears: RT @BryanThomasS: Next week we'll talk with Editor @LouAnders of @Pyr_Books on #sffwrtcht on a special day 5/5 Thursday at 9 pm EST. Joi ... (Thu Apr 28 01:07:41 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Cale represents my fascination with the anti-hero, a character who constantly flirts with redemption. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:08:29 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp He’s an interesting mix—priest and assassin. Does that dichotomy parallel the lawyer-writer dichotomy? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:08:51 +0000 2011)
Mansstory2: RT @sffwrtcht: Our goal is to talk w/ writers, editors, & others abt the craft of writing, specifically related to writing speculative f ... (Thu Apr 28 01:09:03 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Ha! Are you likening the lawyer or the writer to an assassin? Wait, don’t answer that. I lose either way. :-) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:09:22 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: I'll hold my tongue then. ;) How much writing did you do before that opportunity arose? Was it all genre work? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:09:48 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I wrote a fantasy novel (not a very good one) and some short stories, a few of which sold. (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:10:29 +0000 2011)
AUChief: My man. RT @Paulskemp @Brandon_Whaley RA Salvatore introd me to an editor at Del Rey and I pestered her incessantly. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:11:08 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS It was all in genre. And I intend to stay in genre for good. Specfic reaches a reader in ways non-spec-fic (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:11:15 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: RT @AwayInDreaming: @Paulskemp @BryanThomasS (Hardly a lose, since everyone loves an assassin. Unless you're on the wrong end #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:12:01 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: ht@BryanThomasS Specfic fires the imagination, creates a sense of wonder. Non spec fic doesn't do that much. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:12:05 +0000 2011)
AUChief: @Paulskemp are you now or have you been previosuly a fan of the EU. If so whose work is your fav (other than your own) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:12:43 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS My FR novels are sword and sorcery novels. They’re about characters, intensely personal stakes (cont), #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:13:15 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS with a good dose of cinematic action. A good FR story is a rippin’ adventure yarn that also gets at larger themes. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:13:43 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Good FR character is same as in any good work of fiction – compelling motivation, internal conflict (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:14:54 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp Oh hey, it's my dream to write a Star Wars novel. You don't have to convince me. I have to convince Del Rey #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:16:01 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Oh yea, I was enamored of SW. That sensawonda I mentioned? That's the Tantive IV coming onscreen at beg of ANH. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:16:49 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht I pitched Del Rey, after making a pest of myself. They were like: Just give him a book so he'll stop bothering us. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:18:48 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Research is extensive, but there are a lot of resources at hand. And a reader doesn’t need (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:19:44 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp You’ve written three books in that universe. Crosscurrent, Deceived and Riptide which comes out this summer, right? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:20:11 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @bryanthomass Both are set in a time roughly equal to the present of the SW universe (which is 40 or so years post movies)(cont). #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:22:06 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS The stories are self-contained and take place largely in an area of the galaxy called The Unknown Regions (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:22:25 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Indeed. All original characters (though Jaden was the avatar in the old Jedi Academy game). #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:23:43 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: None of the characters in Deceived were familiar to me, yet I found the book captured me as much as any other Star Wars book #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:23:47 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp And that amazed me because I've read several, all with the traditional cast. It was very well done. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:24:04 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I'm really glad to hear that. I think DECEIVED's emotional punch has resonated with readers. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:24:31 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Darth Malgus is a very complicated antagonist. In fact, at times he’s more sympathetic than the Jedi chasing him. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:25:12 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: I think you really built three dimensional characters which makes a big difference in resonance with readers (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:25:44 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @Bryanthomass The goal with Malgus was to make him clearly bad, but compelling and worthy of a reader’s respect even so. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:25:56 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS True of all fiction, I'd say. You can't care if you don't care, as they say. You know, THEY say that. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:26:29 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Not really. I try to stay away from them. But those archetypes are so ingrained, any character on the edge (cont) #sfwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:27:28 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht of the law is invariably “like Han,†and Jedi are always likened to Obi-Wan/Luke. No getting away from it (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:28:16 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht It’s a testament to the power of those characters that others are measured against them. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:28:45 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp yes, no getting away from it, which makes it all the more impressive your characters still feel so unique #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:28:51 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht "Feel" is tough. Star Wars is mythmaking. It’s about the Hero’s Journey –rise, fall, redemption. There's lots (cont) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:29:38 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht of ways to explore the Hero's Journey, and I think a SW novel must do so or lose that "feel." #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:30:26 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: @Paulskemp So you weren't reading Zahn or Anderson while you wrote it to get the "feel" by osmosis then? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:30:31 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @Brandon_Whaley That really pleases me to hear. I wanted readers to be conflicted about him. Same with Zeerid. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:31:06 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp Well, giving both of them supporting characters they really cared about made a big difference for reader connection #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:31:51 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht I wasn't alas, though maybe I should. I don't want to emulate anyone, exactly. I just want to write "Kemp doing SW. "#sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:31:56 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Takes me about the same time to write tie-in or non-tie in. Approx six months, give or take a few weeks. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:33:24 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Indeed. My agent is shopping an original S&S novel and things look promising with a pub I'd love to work with. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:33:54 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Lots of things. Next Cale Saga trilogy opens in 2012 with Godborn.Hardcover Star Wars duology starting in 2012 (cont). #sfwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:36:26 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Do you get any guff from your fellow lawyers about writing SF on off time? Or are they impressed? #sffwrtcht (depends if they're fans?) (Thu Apr 28 01:37:53 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I tell you if could, but then I'd have to Force Choke you. Seriously, Del Rey/Lucasfilm is serious about NDAs. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:38:00 +0000 2011)
AUChief: R@Paulskemp nothing to be ashamed of...I somehow doubt Tim Zahn, father of the modern EU has read many. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:38:05 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht I try to keep the two lives more or less separate. Those in my day job who do know think its very cool. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:38:33 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp You mean SW verbage never accidentally slipped into a legal contract? The anti-lightsaber clause? No? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:39:07 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @Jaleta_Clegg I juggle like a mofo. :-) More seriously, I think we make time for things we love. For me, family, job, writing. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:40:10 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I could see revisiting Aryn and Z-man sometime. More interested in doing Malgus again, though. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:42:27 +0000 2011)
Jaleta_Clegg: @Paulskemp Your list of authors includes a lot of the ones I like. I'm going to have to check out your work. Any suggestions? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:44:22 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Paul also had a nice story in an antho called "Sails & Sorcery" which I reviewed for Tangent Online a while back. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:44:42 +0000 2011)
john_zeleznik: @Paulskemp Don't have an agent yet, a couple are looking at MY MS...but I've always wanted to write a WOTC or SW novel. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:45:39 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht It's more off and on with the gaming. Lots of off lately. Lots of my buds travel. This homey does not fly. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:45:42 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @john_zeleznik When you land the agent, talk to them about it. They may have a contact there or can at least query. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:46:13 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I'm careful about that (other franchises) these days. Only ones I love. Warhammer is something I'll do one day. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:47:51 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Empire was my favorite, but my favorite scene is Obi-Wan and Anakin at end of Revenge. McGregor rocks that scene. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:48:31 +0000 2011)
AwayInDreaming: FR-specific, but any hints on what can we expect from "The Cycle of the Night"? From the snippets, Vasen seems really interesting #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:48:33 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @AwayInDreaming Lots of Vasen Cale. Some Riven. Brennus and Rivalen. And the long con starting to show through. :-) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:49:31 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS When I did War of the Spider queen, I collaborated with RA Salv. and the writers of the other novels in series. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:50:28 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I do fairly detailed outlines and more or less psych profiles of the characters. I deviate as necessary. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:51:55 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I've never read anything out loud and I've never gone back and reread any of my novels, cover to cover. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:52:51 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp Interesting. Out of sequence as things occur to you or to give you elements from key scenes to build off of in others? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:53:12 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS I'll check pertinent sections when I need this or that fact/continuity issue, but that's it for a reread. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:53:23 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @BryanThomasS Some days I feel inspired to write action, or I imagine the end scene's details on drive. I then write that. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:54:53 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: @Paulskemp yeah, you keep the card ;) #sffwrtcht You keep name-dropping RA Salvatore. [loved War of the Spider queen]. How did you connect? (Thu Apr 28 01:55:21 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp Interesting. I haven't met anyone who writes that way but I'm sure there are others. I'd get all mixed up. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:55:22 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @AwayInDreaming Not entirely sure, to be honest. It's just behind me and I leave it there. A bit weird, I know. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:55:34 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @kaolinfire We both wrote in the REalms. We worked together on Spider Queen, chatted at cons, we're of the same age, etc. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:56:13 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @john_zeleznik Varies with the property. I've been lucky and haven't felt much in the way of constraint with SW or FR. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:57:01 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @john_zeleznik But I some properties have pretty stringent creative constraints. I would not want to write for those. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:57:23 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @sffwrtcht Other than those places, I'm also on Facebook under Paul S. Kemp. Find me! I'm occasionally amusing. And I juggle! #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:58:01 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @AwayInDreaming I mean I don't reread it once it's published. I edit it like crazy. But when it's a book, it's dead to me. :-) #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:58:34 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @Paulskemp Probably healthy to move on and not keep wondering how you could have made them better like many do #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:59:08 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: @Jaleta_Clegg I'm not a big congoer because of my young sons and day job. If I attend one in a year, it's a busy year. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 28 01:59:25 +0000 2011)