Science Fiction And Fantasy Writer's Chat 4/20/11 with James Enge
sffwrtcht: On 4/27 author @paulskemp talks about his Star Wars and Forgotten Realm books and editor Lou Anders of PYR 5/4. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:01:00 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Many of you may be familiar with tonight’s guest from his many Morlock adventure stories in Black Gate. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:01:13 +0000 2011)
upandcomic: RT @BryanThomasS: If you like Swords & Sorrcery, tune in now to #sffwrtcht with @jamesenge, a classicist and S&S author! (Thu Apr 21 01:01:35 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: RT @jamesenge: Both languages and literature. Latin language mostly, with a little Greek. And myth and Roman history, too. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:04:35 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Both languages and literature. Latin language mostly, with a little Greek. And myth and Roman history, too. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:04:39 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: I like Vergil--the AENEID is like a fantasy novel in verse, with gods and magic and murder and trwachery and all the good stuff. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:05:52 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re being a writer: I started as a kid, long before I got into classics. Though I was always into myth. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:08:44 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Oh, God. Horrible multibook imitations of Tolkien, drenched with Mary Sues, that never ended until I abandoned them. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:09:54 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Morlock was a combination of lots of things--Tolkien, Arthurian mythos, Wells. Irritation with favorite writers gets me to write. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:11:39 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: @jamesenge As a classics professor, do you use modern computers or the kind that fill rooms, to capture the classics experience? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:12:23 +0000 2011)
Paulskemp: RT @sffwrtcht: On 4/27 author @paulskemp talks about his Star Wars and Forgotten Realm books and editor Lou Anders of PYR 5/4. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:12:27 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: He walked into one of those multibook things I wrote as a teenager and started causing trouble immediately. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:13:06 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: RT @jamesenge: He walked into one of those multibook things I wrote as a teenager and started causing trouble immediately. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:13:06 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re classics teaching: I do whatever I can to capture the students' attention. You have to sell clasics pretty hard these days. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:13:51 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Yes, although it took a long time for the world to grow around him. And for my storytelling to grow up to him. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:14:45 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re classics: It's a good challenge, though. Every college teacher should show that what he's doing is with the students' time. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:15:47 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: I started first with novels, failed egregiously with novels, tried stories, and now I'm trying novels again. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:17:16 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re stories... There's one in SWORDS & DARK MAGC (up for a Shirley Jackson), and TRAVELLERS' REST (available as a free ebook)... #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:19:13 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re stories--& one at Everr Day Fiction, and a couple in the old FLASHING SWORDS ezine. Now I'm losing track... #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:20:03 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @jamesenge the SWORDS story is the one that hooked me on your work. Solid craftsmanship, wry humor, human moments, fun S&S #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:20:54 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Yes, ROGUE BLADES reprinted one from FLASHING SWORDS "The Red Worm's Way". I still have the original version up at my website. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:21:10 +0000 2011)
Jaleta_Clegg: #WW luv to @jbaer10314 @rencummins @goldenageofgeek (he's awesome!) @jade_fowler @danmcneil888 and join #sffwrtcht in progress NOW (Thu Apr 21 01:21:39 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre Good to hear! That one got bounced once because an editor said the character doesn't change in the story... #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:22:02 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: .... but he's an alcoholic who walks away from a drink on the story's last page. I bit my elbow. @eruditeogre #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:22:41 +0000 2011)
Jaleta_Clegg: #sffwrtcht I don't read much S&S, but your stories intrigue me. What would you recommend as your favorite story? @jamesenge (Thu Apr 21 01:23:33 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: That's true about Morlock in BLOOD OF AMBROSE. Though he does has an important choice to make in the final section. @BryanThomasS #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:23:41 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @jamesenge Morlock is a bit mysterious. He's feared because of his family's magic and reputation. Estranged frm his fathr Merlin. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:24:40 +0000 2011)
KOMcLaughlin: @BryanThomasS @jamesenge How about a good place to start reading? ;) A good first pick for someone who hasn't read your work yet? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:24:45 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @jamesenge Wow, that's silly! I really admired the ending, the progression that led up to that nicely. Made other tales engaging #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:24:47 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Hm... "Turn Up This Crooked Way" is one I really like. I like them all, of course. #biased #egomaniac @Jaleta_Clegg #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:24:52 +0000 2011)
Jaleta_Clegg: @jamesenge I should have phrased that differently. Any place to buy Turn Up This Crooked Way? #biased #egomaniac #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:25:42 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Either BLOOD OF AMBROSE or THIS CROOKED WAY (or the stories linked on my site #plug) might be good. @KOMcLaughlin #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:25:54 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @jamesenge THIS CROOKED WAY was quite a contrast to BLOOD OF AMBROSE. Was it intentional taking the story in a surreal direction? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:26:31 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Re novels: after I started selling stories I was interested in the challenge of a novel. I like experiments with storytelling. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:27:42 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @Jaleta_Clegg It's tucked into the novel THIS CROOKED WAY (as you might expect) but it appeared in BLACK GATE 8. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:28:44 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @jamesenge I really appreciated the variety of approaches in each novel, & the fact that Morlock related differently to the story.#sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:29:28 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre Sort of! But some of the weirder parts in TCW predate BOA by years. I wanted BOA to be user-friendly, though. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:30:18 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Do the same sidekicks and relatives appear in all the stories and the other books or is Morlock the main recurring character? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:30:31 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS Morlock stories sometimes need more than one hero. He doesn't talk enough! That was one reason. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:31:16 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @jamesenge A year ago on their last back issue sale, I bought every issue I didn't have. So now, I have the complete collection. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:32:49 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS WOLF AGE happened because a few people asked about the werewolf in TCW & I got to thinking. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:33:23 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: BLOOD OF AMBROSE and THIS CROOKED WAY really are standalones. WOLF AGE benefits from knowing the others. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:35:05 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: The structure of Blood of Ambrose felt loose to me. Almost as if a serious of vinyettes with a thin thru line. Why that choice? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:35:57 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS I wanted to write the kind of story that usually appears in 3 volumes in a single shot. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:37:03 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS Some people weren't crazy about it. Not enough scenery & walking? But S&S fans dug it, as a rule. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:37:49 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @jamesenge Well, in one sense it felt like an actual adventure might feel, as I imagine it, so it was authentic that way #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:39:05 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre Belated! Thanks. Maybe changing it up each book is a mistake--people don't know what to expect. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:39:26 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Fritz Leiber's S&S blew me away. It was a different kind of fantasy that Tolkien's--earthier, wittier, faster. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:40:39 +0000 2011)
eruditeogre: @eruditeogre Personally, I like the change-ups. If it were a tight series it might be less efficacious, but I enjoyed the shifts. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:41:10 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS I know what you mean about description. I like significant description, not mere scenery. The shotgun on the wall. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:41:30 +0000 2011)
KOMcLaughlin: #sffwrtcht I was practically raised on that stuff - Hobbit and LOTR in 1st grade, and then I began devouring my parents' 50s/60s pulp books (Thu Apr 21 01:42:14 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: How does your knowledge of the classics period—culture, languages, writing—infuse your fiction? Or does it? #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:43:55 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre Some of the series is set in stone, some I make up as I go. The contrasts are fun for me, hopefully for the reader. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:44:11 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: @jamesenge Tying into that, how much outlining, character sketching and prep do you do? Do you plan ahead or let the story unfold #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:44:52 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS I steal what I can from myths. There's a running Morlock=Hercules gag in the books, but it's blink-and-miss-it. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:46:14 +0000 2011)
KOMcLaughlin: @jamesenge #sffwrtcht Those are great old books. Can't recommend them enough. Different sort of writing from today, but great. (Thu Apr 21 01:46:14 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS Influences; JRRT, Leiber, Vance, Le Guin, Brackett, Zelazny. Those are the bigs, I think, at least in genre. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:47:32 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS Re outlining: I always have an outline, but I reserve the right to smash it. The sordid Muse knows what she wants. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:48:38 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @BryanThomasS The longer the story is, the more notes-to-self I usually need to make the parts fit. #sffwrtcht #craft (Thu Apr 21 01:51:51 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @KOMcLaughlin I really like Pyr--and I'm not saying that because they pay me. Self-publishing: always an option, but... #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:53:06 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @KOMcLaughlin ... it really might be hard to separate oneself from the crowd of voices crying for attention. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:53:45 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre It's pretty informal--used to be scribbled on sheets of paper, now it's a word file with cryptic junk in it. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:55:27 +0000 2011)
njoenews: RT @sffwrtcht: On 4/27 author @paulskemp talks about his Star Wars and Forgotten Realm books and editor Lou Anders of PYR 5/4. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:56:05 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @eruditeogre "Pfundstein" is just too hard for people to spell. There is a real James Enge, though. I bet he hates my guts. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:56:32 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Upcoming: Next year, probably in summer A GUILE OF DRAGONS. It's volume 1 of a real & actual trilogy. That's the next experiment. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:57:52 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: Yes, I started out complaining about trilogies, and then I started thinking about how I'd do it, and then I started doing it. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 01:59:04 +0000 2011)
sffwrtcht: Next week, we chat with Star Wars and D&D Forgotten Realms author @Paulskemp with PYR editor @LouAnders the following week! #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 02:00:31 +0000 2011)
BryanThomasS: Next week, we chat with Star Wars and D&D Forgotten Realms author @Paulskemp with PYR editor @LouAnders the following week! #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 02:00:31 +0000 2011)
jamesenge: @Jaleta_Clegg Thanks again. It is always good to meet a Zelazny fan, virtually or otherwise. I worry about his star fading. #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 02:06:25 +0000 2011)
kaolinfire: RT @eruditeogre: @jamesenge Eh. (translation: I enjoyed this chat very much and thank you profusely for participating). #sffwrtcht (Thu Apr 21 02:08:14 +0000 2011)
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