Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Science Fiction And Fantasy Writer's Chat 3/2/11 with Kaolin Fire, Editor/Publisher GUD

2:00 amsffwrtcht:Welcome to Science Fiction Fantasy Writer?s Chat. #sffwrtcht

2:00 amsffwrtcht:Our goal is to talk w/ writers, editors, & others abt the craft of writing, specifically related to writing speculative fiction. #sffwrtcht
2:01 amsffwrtcht:Our format is round table discussion. Please restrict ?s to writing craft, business of writing & the specific works of the guest. #sffwrtcht
2:01 amsffwrtcht:Please wait until your question gets answered to ask another & use the hashtag #sffwrtcht for all questions and comments.
2:01 amBryanThomasS:It?s up to the guest whether the question time will run longer than our allotted hour slot. #sffwrtcht
2:02 amkaolinfire:DING DING DING! / analog introvert / digital extrovert / awaits the deluge of punchy questions. Hears roar of silence, ocean. ;) #sffwrtcht
2:02 amsffwrtcht:Next week on chat we'll have author Kevin J. Anderson to talk about "Hellhole" and his other releases. #sffwrtcht
2:03 amsffwrtcht:This week our guest is @kaolinfire from the fabulous zine @gudmagazine #sffwrtcht. Welcome, Kaolin! Thanks for joining us!
2:03 amBryanThomasS:#sffwrtcht First things first, @kaolinfire IS that a pseydonym?
2:05 amlittlefluffycat:RT @BryanThomasS: 10 minutes to #sffwrtcht with GUD's @kaolinfire discussing GUD, long commutes, and more. Please join us!
2:06 amsffwrtcht:#sffwrtcht @kaolinfire is publisher and editor of @gudmagazine in fact.
2:06 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS "kaolin fire" is most of what I was born with, and is also my legal name. Blessed with hippie-esque parents :) #sffwrtcht
2:06 amlouisbshalako:#sffwrtcht Dave Migman's 'Flat Worm,' etc. How much time devoted to art selection at GUD?
2:06 amBryanThomasS:Great! @kaolinfire I think that's awesome, but of course, I had to ask. #sffwrtcht
2:07 amsffwrtcht:#sffwrtcht Let's start by having you tell us a little about how @gudmagazine came to be. Why'd you start it? Is it your first zine as editor
2:07 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I've actually gotten into trouble with it once that I know of, as places don't like "pen names" on submissions. #sffwrtcht
2:07 amcarolkirkman:@kaolinfire #sffwrtcht Wow, I always thought it was a pseudonym! That's pretty neat.
2:07 amBryanThomasS:#sffwrtcht @kaolinfire LOL I can imagine why they might have thought that.
2:08 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako art selection: we don't get as many submissions as we like, and often spend weeks at end of issue trawling web #sffwrtcht
2:08 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire: places that don't like pen names? Isn't that up to the writer? #sffwrtcht
2:09 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen pen names: I think it's a question of credibility. In semi-pro markets there's a lot of wrangling for "professional" #sffwrtcht
2:09 amBryanThomasS:#sffwrtcht Dentist's office gave me a pen name today when they misspelled my name as Bryan Schidt. I made them fix it.
2:09 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire Were your parents potters? #sffwrtcht
2:09 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen some places explicitly say "no pen names"; some get more up in your grill than others about it. :) #sffwrtcht
2:09 amcarolkirkman:@pattyjansen I think probably more specifically "pen names that do not sound like names one would find in nature" #sffwrtcht
2:10 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire but so many pro writers have a pseudonym. Ah, they thought Lemony Snicket was the guy's real name? #sffwrtcht
2:10 amBryanThomasS:@pattyjansen IT'S NOT? (jaw drops) So disappointed... You gonna tell me next Santa's not real? #sffwrtcht
2:11 amBryanThomasS:@carolkirkman Yes, that's what I assume as well. #sffwrtcht
2:11 amWyld_Dandelyon:@kaolinfire @kaolinfire Hi everyone! So, Kaolin, what's your favorite #weirdwritersnacks? #sffwrtcht
2:11 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako my dad's an artist ( ~ you can see my last name before I dropped it, there). Pottery some. #sffwrtcht
2:12 amBryanThomasS:Okay, so, how did you decide to found and edit a magazine? Have you done it before @gudmagazine#sffwrtcht @kaolinfire
2:12 amcarolkirkman:@BryanThomasS #sffwrtcht I'm afraid I have some bad news regarding that whole Santa thing . . .
2:12 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I'd joined in a friend's venture back in 2000ish, developed a web framework for submissions, etc. NFG. #sffwrtcht (cont)
2:13 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire ~ That beaver is awesome! #sffwrtcht
2:13 amlittlefluffycat:#sffwrtcht a million choices / a group that works together / how did that happen?
2:13 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS NFG eventually fell as these things, do, but I made a lot of connections, and got a taste for what I wanted to do. #sffwrtcht
2:14 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS a few of us from that trial got together and tried to fix all the problems we'd seen. still have our own, though :) #sffwrtcht
2:14 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire So in case anyone's unfamiliar with it, tell us about @gudmagazine What type of magazine is it? How's it work? #sffwrtcht
2:14 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire interesting business model where people can buy one story? What sort of response? #sffwrtcht
2:15 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS Hmm. @gudmagazine is a print/pdf bi-annual publication of literary + genre fiction, poetry, art, "and more" #sffwrtcht
2:15 amWyld_Dandelyon:@pattyjansen #sffwrtcht Many places are OK with a pseudonymous _byline_ but want your real name on the cover letter.
2:16 amcarolkirkman:@kaolinfire #sffwrtcht I remember reading GUD's submission guidelines when it first started up! Man, that seems like a long time ago.
2:16 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS The "and more" has been difficult, as it's further afield from our expertise. Comics, plays, erudite/gonzo articles #sffwrtcht
2:16 amkaolinfire:@carolkirkman ages and ages ago. got some backlash on the guidelines originally, but things smoothed out. not where we want [...] #sffwrtcht
2:16 amkaolinfire:@carolkirkman to be, yet, but there's still praryer for the long tail if we can continue to hold out :) #sffwrtcht
2:17 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire *decleares ignorance* define 'gonzo' #sffwrtcht
2:17 amsffwrtcht:How has the response to @gudmagazine been so far both with submissions and sales? Are you seeing steady growth? #sffwrtcht
2:17 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako people haven't really latched onto single-item purchases. small fraction of our sales, even after $1.33 -> $.50 #sffwrtcht
2:18 ampattyjansen:dang 'declares' I should learn to type #sffwrtcht
2:19 ambethmeacham:@BryanThomasS yes, I'd be happy to. #sffwrtcht
2:19 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht growth...we kind of outgrew ourselves and peaked as far as handling subs. >800 one month! #sffwrtcht
2:19 amBryanThomasS:@bethmeacham Great. Thank you. I'll get in touch soon and we'll find a date! #sffwrtcht
2:19 amSheikYurbouti:@kaolinfire How has GUD changed to fit in the ebook market? Was it a big shift? Do you think it will be later? #sffwrtcht
2:19 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht sales have been more difficult. that's my bailiwick by default, but I'm not a marketer. we've had some good sales, tho #sffwrtcht
2:19 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Is it all e-issues or print also? #sffwrtcht
2:20 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen gonzo journalism ~ #sffwrtcht
2:20 amkaolinfire:@SheikYurbouti we've struggled some with the various ebook formats; latched onto fictionwise fairly quickly for them, but [...] #sffwrtcht
2:21 amkaolinfire:@SheikYurbouti ... have been making inroads with building out epub and mobi internally. hard without $$$ for devices to test #sffwrtcht
2:22 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS we're both print and pdf (though singles are only pdf). and other full-issue formats through fictionwise #sffwrtcht
2:22 amBryanThomasS:I know you write quite a bit, especially poetry. What are your favorite genres/types of fiction to read and write? @kaolinfire #sffwrtcht
2:22 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I'm particularly proud of our solid, antho-sized, serious hardcopy editions. hard to convey how sweet they are #sffwrtcht
2:23 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Speaking of which, I need to get one of those. #sffwrtcht
2:23 amkaolinfire:@SheikYurbouti GUD was always intended to be available in as many formats as we could manage, started brainstorming in 2004 or so #sffwrtcht
2:24 amsffwrtcht:When did @gudmagazine actually debut? @kaolinfire #sffwrtcht
2:25 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I like surreal, and gritty, and mind games, and ideas, and action... tech or magic or magical realism :) #sffwrtcht
2:26 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire What's your secret to writing dense prose? Is that a concern when you write? #sffwrtcht
2:26 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Little bit of everything. :) #sffwrtcht
2:26 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Which is fitting given GUD's acceptance of many things #sffwrtcht
2:27 amsffwrtcht:#sffwrtcht What would your ideal @gudmagazine story be like? Can you give us any idea?
2:27 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht #sffwrtcht I bought the domain in August 2004. I think we were actually a business in July 2006. Opened to subs in Nov, maybe?
2:28 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako writing dense prose: endless practice, perhaps, and a penchant for it. I try to feel, viscerally, what I'm writing #sffwrtcht
2:29 amsffwrtcht:Wow. Since 2006. Coming on 5 years. That's awesome. #sffwrtcht @kaolinfire
2:29 amBryanThomasS:I know you commute between home in the L.A. area and S.F. for work. How hard does life as a commuter make keeping up with things? #sffwrtcht
2:30 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht Ideal GUD story? published many of them. ;) First: a strong understanding of language. Then: idea, change... #sffwrtcht
2:30 amlittlefluffycat:@BryanThomasS get a #6, I'm in it. :) #sffwrtcht
2:30 amgudmagazine:RT @kaolinfire: @sffwrtcht Ideal GUD story? published many of them. ;) First: a strong understanding of language. Then: idea, change... #sffwrtcht
2:31 amBryanThomasS:@littlefluffycat Cool. #6 #sffwrtcht
2:31 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS commuting is draining, and expensive, but it's been good for me, creatively, I think. #sffwrtcht
2:31 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire What is the day job you travel for? #sffwrtcht
2:32 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I recently transitioned from web development back to "proper" development closer to my EE/CS degree. #sffwrtcht
2:32 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire could you enlighten a non-American how far that is and long it takes you? #sffwrtcht
2:33 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS I'd send you to my work website, but it's embarassing, from a former web-dev's perspective ;) still, cool work ... #sffwrtcht
2:33 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS software for cars that drive lasers and cameras around to build 3d models/understanding of the world :) #sffwrtcht
2:33 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Awesome. Sounds cool and interesting. Cutting edge #sffwrtcht
2:34 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen Los Angeles to Berkeley is ~ 340miles / 550 kilometers. 6-ish hour drive, or 1 hour flight (plus hours of waiting) #sffwrtcht
2:34 amsffwrtcht:Ok, since I don't know, what's Edge of Propinquity? @kaolinfire #sffwrtcht
2:35 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS it is pretty cutting edge, hush-hush things, crazy partnerships. see our stuff in the odd major paper, unlabeled #sffwrtcht
2:35 amsffwrtcht:I am supposed to apologize on behalf of @shadowflame1974 my co-host who has to get up early and didn't make chat to heckle you :) #sffwrtcht
2:35 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire That's very cool. At least your day job is interesting... #sffwrtcht
2:37 ampattyjansen:@BryanThomasS: Edge of Propinquity (I have story in #54) #sffwrtcht
2:37 amBryanThomasS:@pattyjansen I think @kaolinfire has stuff there too. Now I have to look it up, don't I? #54 #sffwrtcht
2:38 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht Edge of Propinquity is a nifty webzine that I've been accepted to write a serial for. Odd experience for me #sffwrtcht
2:38 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Congrats! Can you give us a hint what the serial will be about or at least a genre? #sffwrtcht
2:38 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht I'm used to writing shorts and really got focused in flash and micro fiction for a long while. Now I've got 12 longer #sffwrtcht
2:39 amsffwrtcht:One of @kaolinfire's stories is up right now in Edge of Propinquity: #sffwrtcht
2:39 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht pieces to string together, cliff-hangers at the end of each one. My run is "Credencium", #sffwrtcht
2:40 amsffwrtcht:And here's info on his Credencium world #sffwrtcht
2:40 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht also strange because the pieces are essentially pre-accepted, based on proposal and writing sample. monthly deadlines #sffwrtcht
2:40 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire A unique way to do it. #sffwrtcht
2:41 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS very different. They also have us doing our own art direction (or art, if we choose). Which is fun :) #sffwrtcht
2:41 amsffwrtcht:Edge of Propinquity even has a call for submissions out. A paying market.
2:41 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Oh that's great. I'd love being a part of that, even if I'd have to get someone else to do the actual art #sffwrtcht
2:42 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht "Credencium" is sort of where I'm running to after this chat; volunteering for research :) #sffwrtcht
2:43 amsffwrtcht:@kaolinfire Very cool. We have another 18 minutes so if you have questions, now's the time. #sffwrtcht
2:43 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire What lists do you use? What other methods for finding new markets to sub? #sffwrtcht
2:43 amsffwrtcht:Does @gudmagazine have a staff? Or is it all volunteer? #sffwrtcht
2:44 amsffwrtcht:As an editor, have you learned a lot which has helped you with your own writing and submissions? What have you learned? #sffwrtcht
2:44 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako I primarily use my friends for finding markets; and twitter. duotrope to research. for subs #sffwrtcht
2:45 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht We say we have a staff, but it's all volunteer, all unpaid, and actually a bit expensive to be part of for some of us #sffwrtcht
2:46 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht editing has made my own writing a lot stronger, though also sometimes puts it in too negative a perspective ;) #sffwrtcht
2:46 amsffwrtcht:So how can we find the magazine? And how can we support you in making it possible? @kaolinfire#sffwrtcht
2:46 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht It's all about: "Do I want to share this with people? Enough to spend money on it? Enough to agonize over it?" #sffwrtcht
2:46 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire:who makes ultimate decisions on which stories to buy? All of you or the issue editor? #sffwrtcht
2:46 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire LOL I can understand that. It definitely shows you what else is out there--good and bad. #sffwrtcht
2:46 amgudmagazine:RT @kaolinfire: @sffwrtcht It's all about: "Do I want to share this with people? Enough to spend money on it? Enough to agonize over it?" #sffwrtcht
2:47 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen the issue editor (instigator) has the ultimate decision. too much democracy can muddy a vision #sffwrtcht
2:47 amsffwrtcht:#sffwrtcht So how does compensation work for @gudmagazine? Do you pay a fee? Is it all based on story sales?
2:48 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire: same way we do it ;-) #sffwrtcht
2:48 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht we can't afford to get @gudmagazine in proper distribution?margins are too slight. but our own website and fictionwise #sffwrtcht
2:48 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen ran into issues of way-too-much-democracy with the last attempt I was part of. frustrating :) #sffwrtcht
2:49 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire: agree democracy in picking stories can lead to a bland issue #sffwrtcht
2:50 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht we pay semi-pro up front (on publication) 3c/w. Treat that as an advance on royalties. Haven't earned out, yet. Nearly #sffwrtcht
2:50 amsffwrtcht:So go to or to find and read @gudmagazine #sffwrtcht
2:50 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht support...if you could get your library or mother or brother or neighbor to buy every issue... ;) #sffwrtcht
2:50 amBryanThomasS:#sffwrtcht Are there any types of stories or genres you'd like to see more of?
2:51 amkaolinfire:Yes, but I don't know what they are ;) RT @BryanThomasS: #sffwrtcht Are there any types of stories or genres you'd like to see more of?
2:51 amgudmagazine:RT @kaolinfire: Yes, but I don't know what they are ;) RT @BryanThomasS: #sffwrtcht Are there any types of stories or genres you'd like to see more of?
2:51 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire LOL This is where your being eclectic makes it hard for the rest of us. ;) #sffwrtcht
2:52 amBryanThomasS:Any other questions out there for @kaolinfire about @gudmagazine or anything else? #sffwrtcht
2:52 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS Being eclectic makes @gudmagazine a hard sell, also. We're trying to broaden horizons.... #sffwrtcht
2:52 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire But you win on quality, I think. And I hope people will find you for that. #sffwrtcht
2:53 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire How did you feel when you got 800 subs in a month? #sffwrtcht
2:53 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire: show me one magazine that isn't struggling to get adequate sales #sffwrtcht
2:53 amBryanThomasS:@pattyjansen That's true. #sffwrtcht
2:53 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako 800 subs is overwhelming. Too much to process to be exciting, and sadly doesn't equate to sales #sffwrtcht
2:54 amBryanThomasS:#sffwrtcht What's your typical turn around time on subs? I assume you get a lot since you're currently closed to subs.
2:54 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS #sffwrtcht Our turnaround at the moment is embarrassing. We post stats ~ ... goal was 1-2wks.
2:55 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Yikes 184 days... Good luck! Lot of work there! #sffwrtcht
2:55 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS but we've run into logistical problems that can leave a piece bumped "maybe" a couple issues out, and w'2 iss/yr... #sffwrtcht
2:56 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS we intend to clear slush and figure out a few solutions to our logistical issues to get back on track. High hopes:) #sffwrtcht
2:56 amsffwrtcht:Next week's guest, Kevin J. Anderson tends to draw hecklers, so I am posting some addresses to block and other info on the blog #sffwrtcht
2:57 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht one thing I've tried to do is leverage my gamedev to help get GUD eyeballs. ads in them, and links back. #sffwrtcht
2:58 amsffwrtcht:3/9 Kevin J. Anderson 3/16 @brendacooper 3/23 @KristineRusch 3/30 @jasonsanford 4/6 @johnklima4/13 Dagan Books 4/20 @jamesenge #sffwrtcht
2:58 amBryanThomasS:3/9 Kevin J. Anderson 3/16 @brendacooper 3/23 @KristineRusch 3/30 @jasonsanford 4/6 @johnklima4/13 Dagan Books 4/20 @jamesenge #sffwrtcht
2:58 amlouisbshalako:@kaolinfire Wonderful interview, thank you. #sffwrtcht
2:58 amBryanThomasS:@sffwrtcht That's a great way to connect your two lives. #sffwrtcht
2:58 amkaolinfire:@louisbshalako thank you =) #sffwrtcht
2:58 amBryanThomasS:Any final questions for @kaolinfire ? #sffwrtcht
2:59 amsffwrtcht:Thanks @kaolinfire for taking time to visit with us. We really appreciate it. #sffwrtcht
2:59 ampattyjansen:@kaolinfire: 'turnaround at the moment is embarrassing.' Take heart, I've had a story elsewhere for 623 days. GUD not too bad #sffwrtcht
2:59 amkaolinfire:@BryanThomasS quick shout out to say: if you love tetris, try Falling Up ;) #sffwrtcht
2:59 amBryanThomasS:@pattyjansen 623 days? Holy crap! #sffwrtcht
3:00 ampattyjansen:oops Internet just crapped out for a bit #sffwrtcht
3:00 amBryanThomasS:@kaolinfire Awesome! #sffwrtcht
3:00 amBryanThomasS:Let's all thank @kaolinfire for fielding all our questions and be sure and visit! #sffwrtcht
3:00 amSheikYurbouti:@kaolinfire you rock! #sffwrtcht
3:01 amkaolinfire:@sffwrtcht and more flash games and such here ~ #sffwrtcht #sellsellsell ;)
3:01 ampattyjansen:@BryanThomasS @kaolinfire thanks for the fun hour #sffwrtcht
3:01 amWyld_Dandelyon:@kaolinfire #sffwrtcht I love this answer! (Yes there are types of stories/genres I'd like to see more of, but I don't know what they are;)
3:01 amlouisbshalako:@BryanThomasS Thank you all!. #sffwrtcht
3:02 amBryanThomasS:@pattyjansen Thanks for joining us. @louisbshalako @wyld_dandelyon @carolkirkman@SheikYurbouti #sffwrtcht
3:02 amsffwrtcht:The information on next week and a chat transcript for tonight will go up on the blog in a couple of hours! #sffwrtcht
3:03 amkaolinfire:Thank @BryanThomasS/@sffwrtcht and @pattyjansen, @SheikYurbouti, @louisbshalako, etc for the great interview experience! =) #sffwrtcht
3:03 amBryanThomasS:@Wyld_Dandelyon Too funny, huh? #sffwrtcht
3:04 amkaolinfire:@pattyjansen I think I've had one go as long as 2yrs before it finally died, so I know the pain on both ends, yeah :) #sffwrtcht
3:05 amsffwrtcht:Be sure and visit the new #sffwrtcht Facebook group. Posting schedule updates, reviews and other links there!
3:05 amBryanThomasS:Be sure and visit the new #sffwrtcht Facebook group. Posting schedule updates, reviews and other links there!
3:07 amJKwak:@kaolinfire I was just lurking, but thank you for the wonderful interview! #sffwrtcht
3:07 amlittlefluffycat:@BryanThomasS ask him how many subs they get some months....#sffwrtcht
3:07 amBryanThomasS:@littlefluffycat He's still here. Ask him. #sffwrtcht
3:08 amlittlefluffycat:@kaolinfire tell 'em how many subs you get some months...#sffwrtcht
3:08 amBryanThomasS:@littlefluffycat We did talk about the 800 #sffwrtcht
3:09 amkaolinfire:@littlefluffycat #sffwrtcht scroll down on ... 2nd chart. also can see by issue and by type. :) standard ~ 400
3:10 amBryanThomasS:@littlefluffycat He'll get back to you on yours in approximate 184 days...LOL #sffwrtcht
3:10 amlittlefluffycat:@kaolinfire so an issue with 3 dozen or so various types of pieces might be chosen from 2.5 K or so subs, then? #sffwrtcht
3:11 amkaolinfire:@littlefluffycat that's about it :) Issue 5 had 3300 subs. raw numbers, 1.6% acceptances. But it's not raw numbers.... :) #sffwrtcht
3:18 amCaseysays:Upset to have missed what looks to have been a good #sffwrtcht w/ @kaolinfire
3:20 amkaolinfire:@caseysays you know you can always ask me stuff :) ;) though I should be not here right now. #sffwrtcht
3:21 amsffwrtcht:Table of Contents for the latest @gudmagazine which features @rajanyk @littlefluffycat@upwithgravity @aliettedb and more! #sffwrtcht

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