2:03 am | TheKJA: | seems to be a lag, but I'm here. was editing all day on a new book, trying to get it finished before HELLHOLE tour next week. #sffwrtcht |
2:03 am | sffwrtcht: | Welcome to Science Fiction Fantasy Writer?s Chat. #sffwrtcht |
2:03 am | sffwrtcht: | Our goal is to talk w/ writers, editors, & others abt the craft of writing, specifically related to writing speculative fiction. #sffwrtcht |
2:03 am | BryanThomasS: | @BryanThomasS Welcome! :) #sffwrtcht |
2:03 am | BryanThomasS: | Our format is round table discussion. Please restrict ?s to writing craft, business of writing & the specific works of the guest. #sffwrtcht |
2:04 am | sffwrtcht: | Please wait until your question gets answered to ask another & use the hashtag #sffwrtcht for all questions and comments. |
2:04 am | sffwrtcht: | It?s up to the guest whether the question time will run longer than our allotted hour slot. #sffwrtcht |
2:04 am | sffwrtcht: | I appreciate your participation and hope you find this enjoyable and informative. #sffwrtcht |
2:04 am | sffwrtcht: | Next Wed. we have @brendacooper and on March 23, @KristineRusch #sffwrtcht |
2:04 am | sffwrtcht: | Tonight?s guest is the author of books, including ?Star Wars? and ?Dune? tie-ins, the space opera The Saga Of The Seven Suns #sffwrtcht |
2:05 am | TheKJA: | New book comes out in 6 days, but I'm trying to clear the decks of projects so I can focus on being on the road and meeting fans. #sffwrtcht |
2:05 am | sffwrtcht: | His latest book, coauthored with Brian Herbert is ?Hellhole?. #sffwrtcht |
2:05 am | sffwrtcht: | Welcome @TheKJA! Thanks for joining us! #sffwrtcht |
2:05 am | sffwrtcht: | Why we don?t we start by having you tell us about how you got into writing. #sffwrtcht |
2:06 am | shadowflame1974: | Hello @TheKJA #Sffwrtcht |
2:06 am | TheKJA: | This lag is going to be like a Monty Python skit. I'll try to answer questions before they appear :) #sffwrtcht |
2:07 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Sorry about that. It happens sometimes. I'll do the best I can to telepath questions to you #sffwrtcht |
2:07 am | Agiliste: | #sffwrtcht happy Wednesday @TheKJA :) |
2:08 am | TheKJA: | Wanted to be a writer since I was 5 yrs old. Wrote 1st story when I was 8, bought typewriter when I was 10, 1st rejection at 12 #sffwrtcht |
2:08 am | billhousley: | Just no laden swallow questions. #sffwrtcht |
2:08 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Wow, at 12. You must be determined to keep going after that. #sffwrtcht |
2:08 am | jenniferbrozek: | I seem to be helping out @BryanThomasS with #sffwrtcht tonight. |
2:09 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Was it always SF or did you write other genres? #sffwrtcht |
2:09 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA that is awesome trying to convince my 13 yo to start writing #sffwrtcht |
2:09 am | BryanThomasS: | @jenniferbrozek Yes, you are. Thank you so much. :) #sffwrtcht |
2:10 am | TheKJA: | In the meantime, you can see a very cool HELLHOLE book trailer at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxH6aIXeTU #sffwrtcht |
2:10 am | sffwrtcht: | ?Hellhole? is the saga of a General who lost a rebellion and was banished to a barely habitable planet by a ruthless regime. #sffwrtcht |
2:10 am | louisbshalako: | @TheKJA In 'The Edge of the World,' what makes it 'large scale SF?' #sffwrtcht |
2:10 am | Brandon_Whaley: | Hey @TheKJA, do you think you'll ever dive back into the Star Wars universe again? #sffwrtcht |
2:11 am | TheKJA: | Yes, it was always SF...monsters, aliens, other planets. I grew up in small farm town, so other worlds were much more interesting #sffwrtcht |
2:11 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Growing up in Kansas, I can definitely relate to that #sffwrtcht |
2:12 am | sffwrtcht: | It?s the first in a planned series of three, but you?ve created quite a Universe. Do you envision doing any more beyond that? #sffwrtcht |
2:13 am | sffwrtcht: | And how did the idea for ?Hellhole? come about? #sffwrtcht |
2:13 am | TheKJA: | @louisbshalako Edge of the World (Terra Incognita trilogy) is large-scale fantasy, but same plotting as my SF epics. #sffwrtcht |
2:14 am | TheKJA: | @louisbshalako It's about the story, the world, the characters, not the genre label on the spine. (I'm mostly known for SF, tho) #sffwrtcht |
2:15 am | TheKJA: | @Brandon_Whaley I loved my work in SW, did 54 projects for Lucasfilm. Depends on what projects they have in mind #sffwrtcht |
2:16 am | TheKJA: | HELLHOLE is plotted as trilogy, beginning, middle, end, w/grand climax. But it's a big universe. Not saying NO we'd never do more #sffwrtcht |
2:16 am | sffwrtcht: | ?Hellhole? has a very large casts of characters. What are the challenges in balancing so many POVs? Any tricks you?ve learned? #sffwrtcht |
2:17 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA so you categorize a large scale fantasy as a lot of world building and characters #sffwrtcht |
2:17 am | TheKJA: | HELLHOLE idea came from expansion of American West, colonization of hellish places, pioneers getting away from corrupt govts. #sffwrtcht |
2:17 am | louisbshalako: | @TheKJA How much of any SF book is ecology, world building, inventing of critters? 5%? 10%? #sffwrtcht |
2:18 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA It definitely has a space western feel to it. I enjoyed it. #sffwrtcht |
2:18 am | WriteBrainMedia: | RT @TheKJA: HELLHOLE idea came from expansion of American West, colonization of hellish places, pioneers getting away from corrupt govts. #sffwrtcht |
2:18 am | WriteBrainMedia: | RT @TheKJA: HELLHOLE is plotted as trilogy, beginning, middle, end, w/grand climax. But it's a big universe. Not saying NO we'd never do more #sffwrtcht |
2:18 am | TheKJA: | HELLHOLE, like our Dune books, my 7 Suns & Terra Incognita, is a tapestry of people and stories. Lets you see the whole landscape #sffwrtcht |
2:19 am | BryanThomasS: | Did you and Brian outline the book before writing? How do you divide it up? #sffwrtcht |
2:19 am | GeekEdge: | RT @TheKJA: HELLHOLE, like our Dune books, my 7 Suns & Terra Incognita, is a tapestry of people and stories. Lets you see the whole landscape #sffwrtcht |
2:20 am | sffwrtcht: | @TheKJA You and Brian have collaborated on a number of books. How do you collaborations work? Is one person the final word? #sffwrtcht |
2:20 am | TheKJA: | @shadowflame1974 same goes for large-scale fantasy & SF. It's a big choreography w/characters, storylines, worlds. #sffwrtcht |
2:21 am | BryanThomasS: | Do you and Brian pitch each other ideas until you both like something? Whose idea was "Hellhole?" #sffwrtcht |
2:22 am | TheKJA: | @louisbshalako depends on book; some r ABOUT the world, some r character studies, some r survival stories against env. & critters #sffwrtcht |
2:22 am | AUChief: | @TheKJA you really created the character of Jacen Solo, how do you feel about him being written into a derivative Sith Lord? #sffwrtcht |
2:22 am | TheKJA: | Brian & I outline heavily beforehand, so we can keep storylines straight w/2 writers in the same big story. It's our blueprint. #sffwrtcht |
2:23 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Do you do character sketches as part of that preparation? #sffwrtcht |
2:23 am | TheKJA: | We brainstorm in detail, outline until we're happy w/chapter by chapter, then each write half, according to storylines or chars #sffwrtcht |
2:24 am | sffwrtcht: | Do you rewrite each other then? #sffwrtcht |
2:25 am | TheKJA: | @AUChief @RebeccaMoesta & I may have written Jacen, but he's not "our" character. He belongs to Lucasfilm and they decide #sffwrtcht |
2:25 am | sffwrtcht: | #sffwrtcht I also know that you dictate and have the recordings transcribed when writing. How did that practice come about? |
2:26 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS Yes, we do full character bios for reference, but we've also already talked through it all #sffwrtcht |
2:27 am | jasonifischerio: | @TheKJA what sort of collective daily wordcount do you guys aim for with your collaborations? #sffwrtcht |
2:27 am | sffwrtcht: | How did your involvement with ?Star Wars? books come about? #sffwrtcht |
2:27 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA is it easier to write in a collaboration or harder #sffwrtcht |
2:27 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA is it easier to write in a collaboration or harder #sffwrtcht |
2:28 am | TheKJA: | i should mention, Tor audio put up a free audio excerpt of first 2 HELLHOLE chapshttp://kjablog.com/?p=1542 #sffwrtcht |
2:28 am | BryanThomasS: | @shadowflame1974 Repeater :) #sffwrtcht |
2:28 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Awesome. Thanks for mentioning that. #sffwrtcht It's a fun book, everyone. Check it out. |
2:29 am | TheKJA: | I've been dictating for years, started because I wanted to preserve thoughts as I walked while pondering stories to myself. #sffwrtcht |
2:30 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Is it difficult to compose prose that way? i.e. has it taken a lot of practice? #sffwrtcht |
2:30 am | TheKJA: | @jasonifischerio on an average day, I do 3-10,000 words per day. Brian is close to the same. When we're in a project, we dive in #sffwrtcht |
2:31 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA wow, if I get 10,000 words in a week I'm very happy #Sffwrtcht |
2:31 am | TheKJA: | Star Wars involvement: i was writing my own books, doing well, & publisher brought them to Lucasfilm's attention. They called me. #sffwrtcht |
2:32 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA How do you handle keeping track of a world so diverse and well developed as Star Wars and getting it right? #sffwrtcht |
2:33 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS I find dictating to be very natural way of writing. It's how the original storytellers did it. #sffwrtcht |
2:33 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA That's true. And they told great stories too. An ancient tradition. #sffwrtcht |
2:34 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS I had shelves of ref. materials, blueprints, maps, histories, and I read all the books & watched movies constantly #sffwrtcht |
2:35 am | louisbshalako: | @TheKJA Sentient forest and sentient water are allegories for what? (Of Fire and Night?) #sffwrtcht |
2:35 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Does Lucas Books give you the story or do you devise your own and work out the details with them? #sffwrtcht |
2:35 am | TheKJA: | @passiko We tend to have our favorite chars or storylines, but we each edit the whole book several times. #sffwrtcht |
2:37 am | sffwrtcht: | @TheKJA How did your involvement with the "Dune" books happen? And how did you partner with Brian? #sffwrtcht |
2:37 am | shadowflame1974: | @TheKJA you would be able to see the flow of the story immediately with dictation #Sffwrtcht |
2:37 am | TheKJA: | @Brandon_Whaley asks So Hellhole is yours and Brian's own thing, like 7 Suns is yours, not based on a property right? #sffwrtcht |
2:38 am | TheKJA: | @Brandon_Whaley Yes, after 12 Dune books, we felt we were practiced enough to create a big universe of our own #sffwrtcht |
2:38 am | BryanThomasS: | @Brandon_Whaley #sffwrtcht is the hashtag. Thanks for joining us and for the questions. :) |
2:38 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @TheKJA That would be great! So Hellhole is yours and Brian's own thing, like 7 Suns is yours, not based on a property right? #sffwrtcht |
2:39 am | TheKJA: | @louisbshalako and sentient fire creatures and sentient atmospheric creatures. 4 elementals: Air, Water, Fire, Earth. #sffwrtcht |
2:40 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS I had a lot of freedom w/Lucasfilm; I pitched stories & worked w/them. Now I think it's a little more mapped out #sffwrtcht |
2:41 am | AUChief: | @TheKJA Not a question but I really dig yours and @RebeccaMoesta 's contributions to SW and yours and BH's contribution to DUNE #sffwrtcht |
2:42 am | BryanThomasS: | @AUChief Thanks for being with us tonight. :) #sffwrtcht |
2:42 am | AUChief: | @TheKJA and I am excited for HELLHOLE! #sffwrtcht |
2:42 am | TheKJA: | Dune books involvement, full story in HOUSE ATREIDES & SANDWORMS intros. We didn't want the Dune saga to be left incomplete #sffwrtcht |
2:42 am | BryanThomasS: | What's your favorite aspect of the Dune universe? Environmentalism? #sffwrtcht |
2:43 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @TheKJA The Dune books were great, recently read them and Frank's chronologically. Any more in the pipeline? #sffwrtcht |
2:45 am | TheKJA: | For those who prefer text, Tor has posted HELLHOLE first chap & other material athttp://kjablog.com/?p=1519 #sffwrtcht |
2:45 am | TheKJA: | @Brandon_Whaley next up is SISTERHOOD OF DUNE, in final edit right now, about formation of Bene Gesserit after Butlerian Jihad #sffwrtcht |
2:46 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS Each time I reread DUNE I admire a different aspect of it. I still think this is the greatest SF novel ever. #sffwrtcht |
2:47 am | BryanThomasS: | You also spend a lot of time mentoring other writers through Superstars Seminars and different talks. Thank you for that. #sffwrtcht |
2:48 am | louisbshalako: | @TheKJA Can democracy work in space or off Earth? #sffwrtcht |
2:48 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @TheKJA Excellent, I've yet to read Paul of Dune so I look forward to both :-) #sffwrtcht |
2:48 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Has the next book in the "Hellhole" Trilogy been written? #sffwrtcht |
2:48 am | AUChief: | @TheKJA do you have a favorite DUNE character? Which of Frank Herbert's books was your favorite? #sffwrtcht |
2:49 am | sffwrtcht: | 10 minutes left with @TheKJA on #sffwrtcht Please get those questions in. |
2:49 am | BryanThomasS: | 10 minutes left with @TheKJA on #sffwrtcht Please get those questions in. |
2:49 am | AUChief: | I still havent read PoD or WoD RT @Brandon_Whaley @TheKJA Excellent, I've yet to read Paul of Dune so I look forward to both :-) #sffwrtcht |
2:49 am | bellareads: | Love the #sffwrtcht chat tonight. It's awesome to hear how @TheKJA and Brian Herbert collaborate on their books! |
2:50 am | BryanThomasS: | @bellareads Thanks for being with us, bella. #sffwrtcht |
2:50 am | greytfriend: | RT @TheKJA: In the meantime, you can see a very cool HELLHOLE book trailer athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxH6aIXeTU #sffwrtcht |
2:51 am | sffwrtcht: | What other projects can we look forward to from you this year, Kevin? #sffwrtcht |
2:51 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS yes, http://www.superstarswritingseminars.com, 5 bestselling authors teaching the biz. Important to pay it forward #sffwrtcht |
2:51 am | joetages: | RT @TheKJA: Dune books involvement, full story in HOUSE ATREIDES & SANDWORMS intros. We didn't want the Dune saga to be left incomplete #sffwrtcht |
2:51 am | talekyn: | @TheKJA Coming in late, so sorry if this has been asked -- any more Superman novels coming? Loved the Krypton book. #sffwrtcht |
2:51 am | joetages: | RT @TheKJA: Wanted to be a writer since I was 5 yrs old. Wrote 1st story when I was 8, bought typewriter when I was 10, 1st rejection at 12 #sffwrtcht |
2:52 am | TheKJA: | @louisbshalako big question for 140 chars! I think toughest part would be time & distance involved. Democracy seems local. #sffwrtcht |
2:52 am | CLK_Shortcake: | RT @BryanThomasS: 10 minutes left with @TheKJA on #sffwrtcht Please get those questions in. |
2:52 am | sffwrtcht: | Have you considered collaborating on books with Brandon Sanderson or Dave Wolverton or Eric Flint? Your superstars partners? #sffwrtcht |
2:52 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @talekyn @TheKJA Seconded, Krypton is the book that made me give Superman a chance. #sffwrtcht |
2:52 am | TheKJA: | @BryanThomasS Brian & I will be plotting HELLHOLE #2 during our tour next week, start writing soon thereafter. #sffwrtcht |
2:53 am | fabiofernandes: | @BryanThomasS Just wanted to tell @TheKJA I really enjoyed the Dune books he wrote w/Brian Herbert. Looking forward to HELLHOLE! #sffwrtcht |
2:53 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Great. Good luck with the tour. Wish you were coming to El Paso. #sffwrtcht |
2:53 am | TheKJA: | @AUChief My favorite character is Duke Leto, and favorite book in series is DUNE. Of ours, my fav is MACHINE CRUSADE. #sffwrtcht |
2:54 am | billhousley: | @TheKJA How do you handle inheritance rights with collaborations. I heard that has been a problem for other writers. #sffwrtcht |
2:55 am | TheKJA: | @talekyn @Brandon_Whaley my other one is ENEMIES & ALLIES. Would love to do more #sffwrtcht |
2:55 am | joetages: | RT @TheKJA: Star Wars involvement: i was writing my own books, doing well, & publisher brought them to Lucasfilm's attention. They called me. #sffwrtcht |
2:55 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @TheKJA Is there a schedule of yours and Brian's tour? I'd love to come meet you guys. #sffwrtcht |
2:56 am | TheKJA: | @billhousley Brian has blessing of other Frank Herbert heirs, & Frank asked him to do more books before his death, so no problem #sffwrtcht |
2:57 am | TheKJA: | @billhousely My only other case was w/A.E. van Vogt estate, and van Vogt's widow asked me to complete the book; again, no probs #sffwrtcht |
2:57 am | AUChief: | Me too! RT @Brandon_Whaley @TheKJA Is there a schedule of yours and Brian's tour? I'd love to come meet you guys. #sffwrtcht |
2:58 am | TheKJA: | Full HELLHOLE tour schedule at http://www.wordfire.com/index.php/calendar/events-a-appearances #sffwrtcht |
2:58 am | BryanThomasS: | RT @BryanThomasS: @AUChief You guys can find the schedule on his website. @brandon_whaley#sffwrtcht |
2:58 am | bellareads: | @TheKJA One question if there is time, how many more Dune books will you and Brian be writing? #sffwrtcht |
2:58 am | Brandon_Whaley: | RT @TheKJA: Full HELLHOLE tour schedule at http://www.wordfire.com/index.php/calendar/events-a-appearances #sffwrtcht |
2:59 am | TheKJA: | Will be in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA area, San Diego, Denver, Lexington, Dayton, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston #sffwrtcht |
3:00 am | sffwrtcht: | Guys, next week we have @brendacooper on chat. Let's all give a big thanks to @TheKJA for taking time to be with us. #sffwrtcht |
3:00 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Kevin, thanks so much for making time to do this. It's been great to have you chat with us. #sffwrtcht |
3:00 am | louisbshalako: | @TheKJA Love A.E. as well. Great interview, thanks to all. #sffwrtcht |
3:01 am | TheKJA: | @bellareads SISTERHOOD is 1st in a trilogy, Brian & I have 2 more HELLHOLE books. that takes us to 2016. Haven't planned beyond #sffwrtcht |
3:01 am | TheKJA: | thanks very much for a great chat. And, yes, I still have 20 pages to edit tonight before I quit. Hope to see you on the tour #sffwrtcht |
3:02 am | billhousley: | @TheKJA Thanks for all this great info. I started on a SW novel and then dropped it when I learned that one has to be invited. #sffwrtcht |
3:02 am | BryanThomasS: | Everyone be sure and check out "Hellhole" which is available from the SF Book Club, your local stores and more #sffwrtcht |
3:02 am | BryanThomasS: | @TheKJA Have a great night! :) #sffwrtcht |
3:02 am | bellareads: | @TheKJA thanks Kevin! I will be eagerly awaiting the Dune books. It's my favorite series, and can't wait for more :) #sffwrtcht |
3:03 am | sffwrtcht: | See everyone next week for @brendacooper and the 23rd for @KristineRusch on #sffwrtcht. A transcript will be posted later tonight. |
3:03 am | Brandon_Whaley: | @TheKJA Thanks for all the info! Maybe I'll see you in Atlanta! #sffwrtcht |
3:05 am | AUChief: | @TheKJA Thanks for the tweets, thanks for all your work, and hope to see you in Atlanta! #sffwrtcht |
4:06 am | darthspencer: | RT @TheKJA: Dune books involvement, full story in HOUSE ATREIDES & SANDWORMS intros. We didn't want the Dune saga to be left incomplete #sffwrtcht |
4:06 am | darthspencer: | RT @TheKJA: Star Wars involvement: i was writing my own books, doing well, & publisher brought them to Lucasfilm's attention. They called me. #sffwrtcht |
4:07 am | darthspencer: | RT @TheKJA: Wanted to be a writer since I was 5 yrs old. Wrote 1st story when I was 8, bought typewriter when I was 10, 1st rejection at 12 #sffwrtcht |
5:37 am | SharoninaVolvo: | RT @TheKJA: i should mention, Tor audio put up a free audio excerpt of first 2 HELLHOLE chapshttp://kjablog.com/?p=1542 #sffwrtcht |
5:39 am | SharoninaVolvo: | RT @TheKJA: In the meantime, you can see a very cool HELLHOLE book trailer athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUxH6aIXeTU #sffwrtcht |
Former Blog of writer/author Bryan Thomas Schmidt. Can now be found at www.bryanthomasschmidt.net
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Science Fiction And Fantasy Writer's Chat 3/09/11 with Kevin J. Anderson
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